The Wide Wide Sea: Imperial Ambition, First Contact and the Fateful Final Voyage of Captain James Cook by Hampton Sides.

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“The Wide Wide Sea” is a non-fiction book by Hampton Sides that explores the story of the USS Indianapolis and its sinking during World War II. Here’s a summary of the book:

Background: The USS Indianapolis was a heavy cruiser of the United States Navy that played a crucial role in World War II, including delivering components of the atomic bomb to Tinian Island in the Pacific Ocean.

Sinking: After completing its top-secret mission of delivering parts for the atomic bomb that would later be dropped on Hiroshima, the USS Indianapolis was torpedoed by a Japanese submarine, the I-58, on July 30, 1945. The ship sank in just 12 minutes.

Survivors: Out of the approximately 1,200 crew members aboard the Indianapolis, approximately 900 went into the water. The survivors faced exposure, dehydration, saltwater poisoning, and shark attacks. They were stranded in the open ocean for four days before they were accidentally discovered by a patrol aircraft.

Rescue: Only 316 men survived the ordeal. The delay in the rescue was due to a failure in communication and the classified nature of the ship’s mission, which meant that its absence was not immediately noted.

Aftermath: The sinking of the USS Indianapolis remains one of the deadliest incidents in US naval history. The survivors faced physical and psychological trauma for years afterward.

Legacy: The story of the USS Indianapolis gained renewed attention after the war, leading to investigations and efforts to honor the memory of those who perished. It also contributed to changes in naval procedures regarding the reporting and rescue of ships in distress.


  • Survival: The book explores the human capacity to endure extreme hardship and survive against overwhelming odds.
  • War and its Consequences: It delves into the brutal realities of war, including the impact on individuals and the moral complexities of military actions.
  • Heroism and Tragedy: The story highlights acts of courage and selflessness among the crew members, juxtaposed with the tragic loss of life and the challenges faced by survivors.

“The Wide Wide Sea” by Hampton Sides is a poignant account of one of the most harrowing naval disasters in history, shedding light on both the heroism and the horrors experienced by those involved.

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